

from portlandia posted in television


1033 nw 16th ave
portland, oregon 97209

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posted by corporate_sunshine #

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In Episode 4, Season 1 of Portlandia, Fred and Carrie are on a hunt to find the mayor, and they end up at this location. Turns out the mayor (Kyle MacLachlan) is openly reggae, and throwing down some natty dub bass lines.

Portlandia, Slabtown

posted by chewing_the_scenery #

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The Slabtown neighborhood in Northwest Portland got its name in the 1870s from the Northrup Street lumber mill's discarded log edges (called slabs) that were used as a cheap source of fuel.

This bar / music venue / falafel house is where Lars and Lucy know everyone in season 2.

Slabtown in Portlandia
in these collections
  1. portlandia season 2 by chewing_the_scenery