
twin cities assembly plant

from ford motor co, ford ranger posted in technology


twin cities assembly plant
1312 south mississippi river boulevard
saint paul, minnesota 55116

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posted by pete_nice #

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The Twin Cities Assembly Plant, aka the Ford Motor Company Assembly Plant, aka the Ford Plant, existed on this site from 1925 to 2011, making it the oldest Ford plant in operation when it closed on December 16, 2011.

The Ford Co. was drawn to the location early on by the promise of cheap hydroelectric power from the Mississippi River. From the mid 1920s to the 1950s, the company made glass from silica mined from sandstone on site.

Ford manufactured the following vehicles at the location: Ford Model T, Model TT truck, Sportsman convertible, Galaxie, LTD, Mazda B-Series, and many, many Ford Ranger pickups.

photo: Mulad @ wiki