

wqed studios

from mister rogers’ neighborhood posted in television by prof_improbable

WQED is a public television station that was founded in 1954 as the brainchild of the Pittsburgh mayor, David L. Lawrence.

A friend and supporter of President Harry Truman, Lawrence wanted to have 12% of television programming dedicated to educational television. At the time, the FCC had put a freeze on issuing licenses since there were so many applicants. After much arm-twisting and corporate-wrangling, WEQD began broadcasting on April 1, 1954.

Among the notable productions to come out of WEQD is Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, the iconic and radical children's program that featured Fred Rogers as the soft-spoken and profoundly compassionate story-teller/moral paragon. The show ran from its initial start in 1966 until 2001 (through repeats and syndication).

The WEQD call letters refer to the latin phrase Quod erat demonstrandum which means "what has been shown."

Clever broadcasters, that group...

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harding senior high school

from mitch hedberg posted in television by prof_improbable

Opened in 1926, Harding Senior High School is the alma mater of comedian Mitch Hedberg (class of '86).

Go Knights!

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mellow tiger bar (exterior)

from castle rock posted in television by chewing_the_scenery

This small building in Orange, MA, formerly a clothing store, became the exterior of the Mellow Tiger Bar for Hulu's Stephen King-inspired show set in the fictional town of Castle Rock. The bar's name is an easter egg reference to a bar in King's 1991 novel Needful Things.

Don't expect candlepin bowling inside. The interior bar with its two bowling lanes was likely filmed on a soundstage.

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wind gap, missouri

from sharp objects posted in television by chewing_the_scenery

Barnesville, Georgia (gotta love those tax breaks) was dressed up as the fictional Missouri bootheel town of Wind Gap for HBO’s Sharp Objects based on Gillian Flynn’s debut novel.

The "Welcome to Wind Gap" mural on the corner of Market and Mill St. was reportedly loved enough by the town that they decided to keep it, but I can’t tell you for how long.

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eat at judy’s

from twin peaks: the return posted in television by chewing_the_scenery

With one letter change Eat at Rudy’s here in Wilmington, California became Eat at Judy’s located in Odessa, Texas where Agent Cooper gets into a scuffle and deep fries some guns in the last episode of Twin Peaks: The Return.

Judy’s is an obvious reference to Jowday (aka Judy), the mysterious antagonist of season three.

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