user locations: speedy_dee
gerhry winston guest house
from frank gehry, architecture posted in art and design by speedy_dee
Frank Gehry designed the Winston Guest House as a piece of working sculpture, inspired by the Italian painter Giorgio Morandi.
The guest home stood on the banks of Lake Minnetonka, and was listed as one of the best works of 1987 by Time magazine.
It was given to the University of St. Thomas and moved 110 miles to the Gainey Conference Center in Owatonna, MN where it can now be toured by the public.
nohmul complex
from mayan culture, archaeology posted in history by speedy_dee
If you are walking around the village of Douglas in northeastern Belize and you admire the roads, that's because they are the remnants of a Mayan pyramid (c. 350 BC to 250 AD) that were bulldozed to make road fill.
The pyramid, now 70% destroyed, was on private land nearby. It was approximately 50 by 52 meters and was 8 meters tall.
The cultural heritage site was unmistakable, and the construction company knew they were destroying an ancient ruin to pave a road. Unfortunately, this is not new in Belize. As Professor Norman Hammond of Boston University put it to the AP, "bulldozing Maya mounds for road fill is an endemic problem in Belize."
jack kerouac’s birthplace
from jack kerouac posted in literature by speedy_dee
Jean-Louis "Jack" Kérouac was born in the second story apartment of this house on March 12, 1922 "at five o’clock in the afternoon of a red-all-over supper time” (from Doctor Sax, published 1959).
His parents were French Canadians, Léo-Alcide Kéroack and Gabrielle-Ange Lévesque, of St-Hubert-de-Rivière-du-Loup in the province of Quebec, Canada. Jack spoke French exclusively until he was seven years old.
morgan cultural center
from jack kerouac posted in literature by speedy_dee
The Patrick J. Morgan Cultural Center was opened in 1989 in a former corporate boarding house for women that worked in the textile mills of Lowell. The center is dedicated to telling "the human story of Lowell" through community-sponsored exhibits, projects and programs.
On permanent display in the Mill Girls and Immigrants Exhibit is Jack Kerouac's typewriter, some of his camping/traveling gear, and his well-worn backpack.
nicky’s bar
from jack kerouac posted in literature by speedy_dee
In 1967, Jack Kerouac moved back to Lowell, MA. He had married Stella Sampras, his mother had suffered a stroke, and his sister had died suddenly.
While in Lowell during this period, Kerouac wrote Vanity of Duluoz: An Adventurous Education, 1935-1943. He was also known to frequent Nicky's Bar at this location (currently a restaurant).