user locations: speedy_dee - literature
gabriel garcia marquez museum
from gabriel garcía márquez posted in literature by speedy_dee
On March 6, 1927, Gabriel García Márquez was born in this village in northern Colombia. The writer grew up with his maternal grandparents here, and today his home is known as the Casa Museo (or Museum House).
convent of the barefoot trinitarians
from miguel de cervantes, don quixote posted in literature by speedy_dee
Author of Don Quixote and founder of the modern novel format, Miguel de Cervantes worked as an errand-runner for this convent after they paid his ransom to the pirates that had kidnapped him.
After he died penniless at the age of 69, Cervantes was buried in this small church. Today, his remains are being excavated by Spanish forensic anthropologist Francisco Etxeberria, who participated in the autopsies of Chilean poet Pablo Neruda and former Chilean president Salvador Allende.
kramler building
from the amazing adventures of kavalier and clay posted in literature by speedy_dee
From the novel:
"The offices of the Empire Novelty Company, Inc., were on the fourth floor of the Kramler Building, in a hard-luck stretch of Twenty-fifth Street near Madison Square. A fourteen-story office block faced with stone the color of a stained shirt collar, its windows bearded with soot, ornamented with a smattering of modern zigzags, the Kramler stood out as a lone gesture of commercial hopefulness..."
jack kerouac’s birthplace
from jack kerouac posted in literature by speedy_dee
Jean-Louis "Jack" Kérouac was born in the second story apartment of this house on March 12, 1922 "at five o’clock in the afternoon of a red-all-over supper time” (from Doctor Sax, published 1959).
His parents were French Canadians, Léo-Alcide Kéroack and Gabrielle-Ange Lévesque, of St-Hubert-de-Rivière-du-Loup in the province of Quebec, Canada. Jack spoke French exclusively until he was seven years old.
morgan cultural center
from jack kerouac posted in literature by speedy_dee
The Patrick J. Morgan Cultural Center was opened in 1989 in a former corporate boarding house for women that worked in the textile mills of Lowell. The center is dedicated to telling "the human story of Lowell" through community-sponsored exhibits, projects and programs.
On permanent display in the Mill Girls and Immigrants Exhibit is Jack Kerouac's typewriter, some of his camping/traveling gear, and his well-worn backpack.