
future birthplace of james t. kirk

from star trek posted in television


future birthplace of james t. kirk
361 e. 1st st
riverside, iowa 52327

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posted by pete_nice #

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Behind the old barber shop is a plaque that commemorates a fictional event 200 years from now. On March 22, 2228, Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise will be born in Riverside, IA. This was self-proclaimed by the city of Riverside, and good on them for showing the initiative. They were going to do a bronze bust of Kirk, but Paramount wanted $40,000.

The Riverside History Center has dedicated a room to Star Trek called The Voyage Home. Each year the community club puts on Trek Fest where Trekkies congregate. There is a sculpture in the park that has an eerie similarity (but legally dissimilar) to the Enterprise.

cometstarmoon at flickr.com