
buffy the vampire slayer

posted in television

the new sunnydale high school

from buffy the vampire slayer posted in television by chewing_the_scenery

Just to keep things interesting, they built the new Sunnydale High School in season 7 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer right on top of the hellmouth in the same spot as the old Sunnydale High School that was destroyed at the end of season 3 (15-year-old spoiler... sorry).

Exteriors were filmed on the campus of California State University, Northridge.

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buffy’s house

from buffy the vampire slayer posted in television by chewing_the_scenery

The Sunnydale home (1630 Revello Drive) of Buffy, Joyce and Dawn in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

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sunnydale high school

from buffy the vampire slayer posted in television by chewing_the_scenery

In Joss Whedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Torrance High School was the stand-in for Sunnydale High School, located right over the hellmouth in fictional Sunnydale, California.

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