
kainchi dham

from steve jobs posted in technology


kainchi dham
nh 87
uttarakhand, india

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posted by pete_nice #

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In 1974, Steve Jobs was working at Atari headquarters. He wanted to go to India for spiritual enlightenment, and he tried to convince his employers to pay for the trip. Atari offered to pay for him to go as far as Germany to complete some company work.

At this point, Jobs met up his old college buddy, Daniel Kottke, to travel to India and visit Neem Karoli Baba at his Kainchi Ashram. By the time they got there, it was basically deserted after Neem Karoli had died earlier in the year.

They then made a long trek up a huge dry riverbed to an ashram of Hariakhan Baba. In India, they spent a lot of time on endless bus rides from Delhi to Uttar Pradesh and back, then up to Himachal Pradesh and back.

Jobs stayed in India for seven months.
