
institut le rosey

from the strokes posted in music


institut le rosey
1 le rosey
rolle, switzerland 1180

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posted by donkeyoti #

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Established in 1880, this Swiss boarding school has some interesting associated superlatives.

1. The Institut Le Rosey is the only boarding school that changes campuses during different seasons. This is to utilize the school's own ski resort in the winter months (January to March).

2. The annual tution and boarding fees are CHF 125,000 (about $133,000), making Le Rosey the most expensive school in the world.

In the music world, Julian Casablancas was sent here at the age of 13 to improve his academic performance, where he met Albert Hammond, Jr. years before they would go on to form The Strokes.

Michael Dornbierer @ flickr
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  1. the strokes locations by donkeyoti