
the indra club

from the beatles posted in music


the indra club
64 grosse freiheit
hamburg, germany 22767

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posted by elvis_crabs #

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This was the first club that the Beatles played when they arrived in Hamburg. The club was owned by Bruno Koschmider, who also owned the Kaiserkeller and the Bambi Kino.

Koschmider had a contract with the Beatles. They were paid £2.50 each a day, seven days a week, playing from 8:30-9:30, 10 until 11, 11:30-12:30, and finishing the evening playing from one until two o'clock in the morning.

German customers found the group's name comical, as "Beatles" sounded like "Peedles", which meant a small boy's penis.

After the closure of the Indra because of complaints about the noise, The Beatles played in the Kaiserkeller, starting on October 4, 1960.

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