
patsy cline plane crash memorial

from patsy cline posted in music


patsy cline plane crash memorial
mt. carmel road
camden, tennessee 38320

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posted by pete_nice #

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On March 5, 1963, country singers Patsy Cline, Cowboy Copas, and Hawkshaw Hawkins were being flown from Kansas City, KA to Nashville, TN in a Piper PA-24 Comanche plane. The plane was piloted by Cline's manager Randy Hughes, who was not an instrument-rated pilot and relied on visual flight rules.

The inclement weather on that night caused the plane to crash at this location, where all aboard died. An inscribed rock on a cement slab marks the location. Patsy Cline was 30 years old.

photo: Brent Moore @ flickr
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