
jimi hendrix memorial

from jimi hendrix posted in music


jimi hendrix memorial
350 monroe ave ne
renton, washington 98056

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posted by tacopolis #

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Located in the Greenwood Memorial Park of Renton, WA (a suburb SE of Seattle) is the Jimi Hendrix Memorial.

Semi-completed in 2002, it's the final resting place of Jimi, as well as some members of his family (the family memorial contains some 54 plots). The memorial is also decorated with pictures of Hendrix, lyrics, his signature engraved in a stone, and the head stone of his previous grave.

The centerpiece of the memorial is a covered structure held up by three columns that is supposed to house a bronze statue of Jimi in the future. The project has been held up since the main proponent, Jimi's father Al Hendrix, died in 2002.

The memorial is free and open to the public.

photo: David Herrera