
snowbird resort

from beastie boys, mca posted in music


snowbird resort
9600 little cottonwood canyon road
sandy, utah 84092

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posted by crabapple #

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In the nineties, MCA (Adam Yaunch) would spend a great deal of time snowboarding at Utah's Snowbird Retreat. For a time, he rented an apartment with pro snowboarder Mike Basich. At other times, he would have a barren apartment meant for suiting up, showering, and storing a beat-up Subaru to get to the slope lifts. Some sources state that he would use LSD as eye-droplets during this period, using them on lifts and then hitting black diamond slopes.

Writer Melissa Larsen remembers meeting MCA on the slopes in an ESPN article- here.

Beastie Boys, Mullethead video