
death valley national park

from star wars, return of the jedi posted in movies


death valley national park
west side rd
death valley, california 92328

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posted by pete_nice #

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Although most of it was filmed overseas, some key shots of Star Wars were filmed in Death Valley. Not surprisingly, the filming locations were intended to represent Luke's home planet, Tatooine. When Return of the Jedi was made, the crew returned to the famous national park. A self-guided walking tour (with pictures!) can be found at this site.

A more complete list of the many films shot at Death Valley can be found on the nps.gov website.

Jawas in Golden Canyon, Death Valley Park

posted by pete_nice #

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The impressive short film Grounded by Kevin Margo was also filmed at Death Valley. Here's hoping the guy gets a sci-fi picture deal soon...

from Grounded