
ago restaurant

from quentin tarantino posted in movies


ago restaurant
8478 melrose avenue
west hollywood, california 90048

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Ago Restaurant is an upscale Italian (specializing in Tuscan) eatery in West Hollywood. The venture is owned jointly by chef Agostino Sciandri, actors Robert De Niro and Christopher Walken, producers Bob and Harvey Weinstein, and director Ridley Scott.

On October 27, 1997, Quentin Tarantino was going to have lunch with Harvey Weinstein, when he saw producer Don Murphy (Natural Born Killers) waiting for a table on a couch. Tarantino confronted Murphy for comments he made about him in the book Killer Instinct, and ended up slapping Murphy three times before being pulled off of him. Harvey Weinstein convinced Murphy not to press charges, and Tarantino was released from police custody.

Later, on The Keenen Ivory Wayans Show, Tarantino boasted that he ''bitch-slapped'' Murphy. Murphy sued for $5 million, and the case was settled out of court.

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