first blood (1982)
posted in movies
pitt lake
from first blood (1982) posted in movies by pete_nice
The other park where several scenes from First Blood (of the Rambo franchise) were filmed.
golden ears provincial park
from first blood (1982) posted in movies by pete_nice
The exteriors for the first installment of the Rambo franchise, First Blood, were filmed primarily at two parks in British Columbia: Golden Ears Provincial Park and Pitt Lake.
rambo’s first blood
from first blood (1982) posted in movies by pete_nice
John Rambo (Sly Stallone) is walking through the town of Hope when Sheriff Will Teasle (Brian Dennehy) starts breaking his balls. Rambo doesn't take too kindly to that...
The majority of the town scenes were shot in Hope, British Columbia, Canada (not the States).
"Some may even call it boring..." -Sheriff Teasle on the town of Hope.