

posted in movies

151 regent street

from blowup posted in movies by chewing_the_scenery

David Hemmings spots Vanessa Redgrave here at 151 Regent Street near the end of Antonioni's Blowup. It's a great bit of editing as she just vanishes into the crowd.

Useless trivia: The Permutit Company Limited manufactured water softeners and other water treatment products and is now, I believe, part of Siemens Water Technologies.

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maryon park

from blowup posted in movies by chewing_the_scenery

In Antonioni's Blowup, David Hemmings photographs the two lovers (and accidentally a murder) here in Maryon Park.

Maryon Park is also the location of the tennis courts where the mimes play imaginary tennis at the end of the movie. The mimes are raucous and rowdy while in the jeep and are only creepy and mime-like once the mime tennis match starts. FYI this movie is better while on drugs.

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economist plaza

from blowup posted in movies by chewing_the_scenery

The mimes that bookend Michelangelo Antonioni's Blowup make their first appearance at the beginning of the movie riding around in a jeep in London's Economist Plaza.

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