
the pendennis club

from hunter s. thompson posted in literature


the pendennis club
218 w muhammad ali blvd
louisville, kentucky 40202

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posted by pete_nice #

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The Pendennis Club is a members-only social club located in Louisville, KY.

In the debauchery of Hunter S. Thompson's "The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved," Thompson and Ralph Steadman arrive at The Pendennis Club:

"One of my clearest memories of that vicious time is Ralph being attacked by one of my old friends in the billiard room of the Pendennis Club in downtown Louisville on Saturday night. The man had ripped his own shirt open to the waist before deciding that Ralph wasn't after his wife. No blows were struck, but the emotional effects were massive.

Then, as a sort of final horror, Steadman put his fiendish pen to work and tried to patch things up by doing a little sketch of the girl he'd been accused of hustling. That finished us in the Pendennis."

photo: wikipedia