
edgar allan poe birthplace

from edgar allan poe posted in literature


edgar allan poe birthplace
charles street south and stuart st
boston, massachusetts 02116

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Born on January 19, 1809, Edgar Allan Poe was the son of David and Elizabeth (Eliza) Poe, actors at the Boston Theatre. Poe's father left early on, and his mother died before he reached the age of three. Edgar was raised as a foster child by the Allan family of Richmond, VA from that point on.

At the time of his birth, this building's address was #62 Carver St. However, there have been a number of street moves and renames since 1809.

In 1924, the Boston Authors' Club put a memorial tablet to Edgar Allan Poe on a building at the corner of Fayette St. and Poe Sq. However, this was an incorrect placement. According to later property records research by the Bostonian Society, the Poes lived at 62 Carver St. when Edgar Allan was born.

The building survives today, and is near the intersection of Charles St. South and Stuart St.

Poe's birthplace, photo courtesy of the Boston Public Library, Print Dept.
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