

from space exploration posted in history


im kraftwerk
peenemünde, germany 17449

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posted by tacopolis #

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Founded in 1937, the Peenemünde Army Research Center was the military proving grounds for Nazi aeronautics. The location is widely considered the birthplace of modern rocketry and spaceflight. It also helped create the V-2 rockets that rained hellfire on London and Antwerp.

Legendary scientist Wernher von Braun was the technical director at the facility, before his team surrendered to the United States and worked for NASA.

Today, the location is home to the
Historisch-Technisches-Museum that traces:

"the path of the dreams of the first rocket pioneers of civilian space travel to the systematic development of the first major military rocket." (from the museum website).

photo: AElfwine@wiki
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  1. space exploration locations by tacopolis