
the parsonage

from scientology, rocket science posted in history


the parsonage
orange grove cir & s. orange grove ave
pasadena, california 91105

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posted by pete_nice #

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Jack Parsons was known as the "James Dean of the occult set."
An early dabbler in rocketry, his work with collaborators in the field became the basis for JPL.

Parsons interest in sexy-time occult practices made his three-floor mansion a swingin' good time for parties. He attracted numerous bohemians and eccentrics to rent rooms there, including writer and religion founder L. Ron Hubbard.

Hubbard lived there long enough to dominate the house with charisma, and then to take off with Parsons' mistress, Sara Northrup Hollister.

As a free love advocate, he got over it, and eventually sold the Parsonage to invest in a yacht-selling scheme with L. Ron. El-Ron took the money but didn't provide any boats, so that was the end of their friendship.

He's a rocket man, burning out his fuse up there alone.