
washington square park

from diane arbus posted in art and design


washington square park
washington square park
new york, new york 10012

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One summer, the photographer Diane Arbus spent her time working in Washington Square Park. It was here in 1965 that she shot, "A young man and his pregnant wife in Washington Square Park, NY," among several others.

Upon recalling her interactions in the park, Arbus said the following:

"And there were these territories staked out. There were young hippie junkies down one row, lesbians down another—really tough, amazingly hardcore lesbians—and in the middle were winos. They were like the first echelon, and the girls who came from the Bronx to become hippies would have to sleep with the winos to get to sit on the other part with the junkie hippies. It was really remarkable and I found it very scary. I mean, I could become a million things, but I could never become that."

Hear Arbus tell the story in her own voice here.

Diane Arbus, 1965.