collection: the wire filming locations
started by chewing_the_scenery
from the wire posted in television by chewing_the_scenery
Orlando's gentlemen's club, the front business for Avon Barksdale's drug enterprise in the first season of The Wire, was located on South Broadway. The scenes were filmed at real-life strip club Ritz Cabaret.
major crimes unit hq
from the wire posted in television by chewing_the_scenery
In season two of The Wire Daniels and his crew start running their investigations out of a small building on this dead-end road not far from the marine terminals in Southeast Baltimore.
the greek’s diner
from the wire posted in television by chewing_the_scenery
In season 2 of The Wire the Greek held his meetings in a tiny diner called Little Johnny's. The restaurant is no longer open, but you can find the building on South Clinton St. by the docks.
clement st. cafe
from the wire posted in television by chewing_the_scenery
This is the former location of the Clement Street Cafe, the favorite bar of the Baltimore dockworkers in season 2 of The Wire. The building was converted into custom town homes sometime after filming.
from the wire, house of cards posted in television by chewing_the_scenery
The Baltimore restaurant Werner's is Tommy Carcetti's favorite location for power lunches in The Wire, and it's also a popular spot for political wheeling and dealing in House of Cards. The restaurant, which dates back to the 1950s, closed briefly in 2011 but reopened in 2012 under new ownership.