
city: lambertville

new hope-lambertville toll supported bridge

from ween posted in music by pete_nice

Here's what the New Hope-Lambertville bridge over the Delaware looks like....

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new hope-lambertville toll supported bridge

from ween posted in music by pete_nice

New Hope, PA is the birthplace of Ween. Both Dean (Mickey Melchiondo) and Gene (Aaron Freeman) Ween grew up in it's brownish breeding ground. New Hope is a scenic river town, with the Delaware River gently separating it and Lambertville, NJ.

During the weekends, New Hope becomes a tourist destination where people ride along the river on horse carriages, mule-barge rides on the canal, ferry boats and bicycles- you name it. Somewhat idyllic, but...

(Dean Ween:) "...when you grow up in a town like that, you become fucking bitter. It's like people who live at the beach year-round, and all the summer tourists come in."

"So I was with Guy (Heller, of the Moistboyz) one day and we're walking across the bridge and we're seeing all this shit: people eating ice cream and it's so ugly. Guy's like, "Man, I just wish I had a fuckin' megaphone. I'd like to fuckin' make an announcement and say, 'AIDS!, HIV! Cancer!'...so I turned it into a song."

"The HIV Song" is #14 on Chocolate and Cheese.

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