tag: manhattan
u.s. talk shows locations
April 22, 2013 peter bell
What’s slightly more exciting than watching talk shows at home? How about watching them in person! Here’s a list of locations (as well as audience ticket contact information) for some popular U.S. talk shows.
Posted in television
Tagged audience, burbank, CA, california, chat shows, filming, location, locations, los angeles, manhattan, new york, ny, talk shows, taping, tickets, u.s., us
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A Beastie Revolution: Locations from the early hardcore days of the Beastie Boys in NYC
May 19, 2012 peter bell
Before they were rhymin’ and stealin’, or getting live on the spot (puttin’ all kinds of shame in the game you got), the Beastie Boys were a rag-tag group of punk rockers in New York City. Not just any kind of punk rock– the loud, fast, agro version called hardcore that was popularized by bands […]
Posted in information, music
Tagged adrock, beastie boys, early, hardcore, hip hop, history, kate schellenbach, manhattan, mca, mike d, music scene, new york city, nyc, punk, venues
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