tag: california
Eddie Cochran locations
December 29, 2013 peter bell
Although he died in a car crash at the tender age of twenty-one, by that point Eddie Cochran had already made his mark on rock and roll. His persona was of an iconic 50s rocker: clean-cut, good-looking, and rebellious. But his persona belied a deeper understanding of musical forms and styles. His skill as a […]
star wars locations
July 23, 2013 peter bell
With the release of Episode 7 of the Star Wars franchise set to release in 2015, here’s a list of locations associated with Star Wars Episodes 1-6.
new space locations
May 29, 2013 peter bell
The phrases “NewSpace” or “new space” are catch-all descriptors that refer to a set of ideas and a collection of companies that are revolutionizing the way humans view space travel by privatizing space exploration for entrepreneurial advancement. The proponents of NewSpace are as varied in their ability, intention, and methods as any other nascent industry, but […]
u.s. talk shows locations
April 22, 2013 peter bell
What’s slightly more exciting than watching talk shows at home? How about watching them in person! Here’s a list of locations (as well as audience ticket contact information) for some popular U.S. talk shows.
janis joplin locations
March 6, 2013 peter bell
Janis Lyn Joplin was born on January 19, 1943 in Port Arthur, TX. The daughter of a Texaco engineer and a college registrar (Seth and Dorothy Joplin, respectively), Janis attended church, sang in the choir, and grew into an awkward teen that loved the blues. She left Port Arthur to attend college in Beaumont and […]