
adams power plant transformer house

from nikola tesla posted in technology


adams power plant transformer house
buffalo ave and acheson dr
niagara falls, new york 14303

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posted by prof_improbable #

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This building is the only remaining structure of the first large-scale, alternating current electric generating plant in the world- the Edward Dean Adams Power Plant.

Put into operation on August 25, 1895, the hydroelectric plant was a collaboration of several organization over the course of three years. Notably, Westinghouse Electric was subcontracted to build the AC generators based on the work of Nikola Tesla and Benjamin G. Lamme.

The construction of the power plant was an enormous undertaking. In one tunnel alone, 16 million bricks were used to line the walls and cost the lives of 28 workers.

Today, the Adams Power Plant is on the National Historic Register, but is fenced off and in a state of disrepair. There is talk of converting it into a science museum.

Photo: Lvklock