
jim morrison’s deathplace

from jim morrison, the doors posted in music


jim morrison's deathplace
17 rue beautreillis
paris, france 75004

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posted by pete_nice #

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In 1971, a music-industry weary Jim Morrison moved with his partner, Pam Courson, to Paris to pursue writing. Originally staying at the L'Hotel at 13 rue des Beaux-Arts, Morrsion and Courson moved to this apartment near the Place de la Bastille (where the Bastille Prison used to stand) and the Père Lachaise Cemetery (where Morrison would eventually end up).

By this point in his life, Morrison was drinking 2 to 3 bottles of whiskey a day, so the writing was not as prolific as anticipated.

On the night of his death, Morrison and Courson went to see the Robert Mitchum movie Pursued. They returned to the apartment, drifting off to some of Morrison's home movies. Courson awoke to Morrison coughing up blood in the bathroom. She offered to call a medic, but Morrison declined, saying that he wanted to take a bath.

Courson drew a bath for Morrison, then went to bed. She found him dead at 8:00 am, July 3, 1971. He was 27 years old.

Photo: 15 rue Beautreillis (next door!) Thanks, HeyRocker