
city: minneapolis

the minnehaha house

from rehab addict posted in television by crabapple

Nicole spends a good deal of Season 1 of Rehab Addict (DIY network) rehabbing this 5 room mansion on the parkway.

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matt’s bar

from man vs. food, food wars posted in television by donkeyoti

Matt's Bar is "Home of the Jucy Lucy," a hamburger stuffed with hot melted cheese and grease: delicious. Although not the only Jucy (or Juicy) Lucy in town, it's been featured in the tv shows Man vs Food and Food Wars.

On June 26, 2014, President Obama visited Matt's to try the Jucy.

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the terrarium

from the jayhawks, golden smog posted in music by corporate_sunshine

This recording studio in the Northeast neighborhood of Minneapolis has recorded several local and national acts for the past twenty years.

The Jayhawks did Mockingbird Time here, and the off-shoot super-group Golden Smog recorded portions of Weird Tales here.

Local punk legends Dillinger Four (Civil War) and The Soviettes (LP II and LP III) put down tracks here, as well as diverse artists like The Okee Dokee Brothers, Nashville Pussy, and Beck.

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temple israel cemetery

from atmosphere posted in music by donkeyoti

The cover for the seventh studio album from Atmosphere, Southsiders, was shot at the SE corner of the Temple Israel Cemetery.

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target starbucks

from diablo cody, juno posted in movies by chewing_the_scenery

Diablo Cody reportedly wrote the award-winning screenplay for Juno over the course of several weeks while on her laptop at the fertile land of imagination that is the Starbucks in this Target in Crystal, MN.

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